Tapered Services

Tapered Services
Tapered Services

Tapered Services

Roofmart provides full-service taper and cricket design to contractors with IKOTherm 25 psi panels in 1%, 2%, and 4% options.

We have 3 ways to provide this service:

  • Site measure (by location)
  • PDF plans provided
  • Or a drawing from the roofer

We develop professional tapered insulation packages which help eliminate ponding water and aid in the thermal value of any roof system. We can help you correct low spots, ponding water, drainage issues, etc. on any of your flat roofing projects.

Our packages are built in-house and a laminated layout key is sent with the package delivered to the site.

Available for both new construction and re-roof applications.

Contact your local branch for more information on tapered services.